Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun'

Arizona Sun Blanket Flower

  • Stunning yellow blossoms
  • Summer bloomers
  • Loves the sun

Purchase options for Arizona Sun Blanket Flower

  • Size: #1 -
  • Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
  • Availability: In Stock


Gasp with delight when you see the non-stop color show this dense, incredibly floriferous plant brings to your garden. Its medium green foliage will be completely obscured for long stretches as 4" diameter daisies with wide orange rays painted with yellow-fringed edges surrounding fat, orangey-brown cones begin to bloom in early June and continue throughout the summer. This outrageous bloom on dense compact plants nearly demands that you install it in large groups for a summer show that will define your garden.

Full Sun
Growing Tips for Gaillardia 'Arizona Sun'

Grows well in average, well-drained soil in a sunny location. Remove spent blooms to keep the flowers coming all summer long. Divide plants every 2-3 years in spring or fall.