Picea glauca 'Pendula'

Weeping White Spruce

  • Category: Evergreen, Tree
  • Hardiness Zone: 2-8
  • Height: 20-25 ft
  • Spread: 4-5 ft

Purchase options for Weeping White Spruce

  • Size: #15 4-5'
  • Status: BeautiFULL
  • Availability: In Stock


Different from other weeping evergreens that tend to ramble and spread their way through the landscape, Weeping White Spruce stands above the rest with a tall, narrow yet graceful profile that is truly a one-of-a-kind gem. With its strong, upright leader and pendulous side branches, it adds height yet softness and texture on a plant that is one of the most hardy specimen evergreens you will ever grow. Like all White Spruce, this selection needs full sun and well drained soil to thrive and will make a perfect showpiece for growing near a tall building or for growing in amongst other evergreens or mixed plantings.