Convallaria majalis
Lily of the Valley
- Great groundcover
- Delicate white flowers in early spring
- Sweetly scented
- Dependable
- Low maintenance
- Great cut flower
- Category: Perennial, Groundcovers
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 6-8 in
- Spread: 18-24 in
- Bloom Color: White Shades
Purchase options for Lily of the Valley
- Size: 18/TRAY -
- Status: Sheared and/or Dormant
- Availability: In Stock
Old fashioned and very dependable, this leafy groundcover spreads by stolons and can create big patches of its wide, upright held, deep green foliage in partial shade or shade locations. While its foliage stays clean and distinctive throughout the growing season, it's the Lily of the Valley flower that gets most of the attention with it's white, nodding bells, strung together on drooping stems that bloom in April and May and fill the air with their sweet scent. These bells droop their way out of the foliage making a pretty picture and a great cut flower, too!